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Helth Pay’j
Understand: tha english thru-alt this mes’sej IZ tha CORECT way werdz ar
SA’POZ tu b spel’d. Wee wer tauht RONG.
NO’T: tu understand tha naymz uv tha holee bookz, theez ar tha “RILL” naymz, go tu
yor bybol, and cumpair.
B’resheyt_6:3- tha dayz uv them shall b 120 yeerz.
Y’chezke’l 47:12- ,,,,,,,their frut will serv for food and their leev’z for hilling.
Romeym 14:21- it iz na’t good tu eet meet
This iz ar Helth Corner, wee want tu share with yu wat yu need tu no, hal tu liv tu
see that 120 yeerz wich wee ar pamis’d
Wee want tu tel yu wy itz NA”t good to eet meet and wat it WILL du tu yor
ba’dee. Daspite wat dac’torz tel yu.
1. This man over seez n 2013 waz tha oldest living man at that time, that
artacol waz n tha san bernardino “sun newz paper.” Hee waz at that tym 123
yeerz old.
2. Wee ar sapoz tu eet erbz, leevz NA”T sumthing frum a batol cald erbz. Tha
leevz DU hill yor ba’dee.
3. Anamol flesh, feet, tung, earz, brest, skin, liver, bacz. UDERSTAND:
Amey “peepol”, milk, egz, cheez, yogart, butter WILL KILL YU. Itz like
asid, IT WILL ad it DU brayk daln yor m’mune system, dee’teer’ree’aytz ,
yor hair fa’lacolz, MAYK YU GO BALD, atacz yor kidnee, hart, eyez,
kidneez, givz yu diabee’teez, givz yu canser, cauzez yu tu looz limbz,
dee’teer’ree’aytz yor bonz, cauzez yu tu git multiclirosis, damen’cha,
parkenson da’zeez, altymerz, daln syndrome, just tu naym sum.
4. Sugar cauzez diabee’teez, dastroyz yor bonz. Givz yu canser.
DU NO sheley amey, “ my peepol” tha meet wee eet, iz tha mu’sol n’side
tha ba’dee uv anamolz, and wen wee cunsoom that musolz, itz DED, and az
it sitz n ar ba’deez, it b’cumz parasites, ra’ten flesh, itz da'cayd wich b’ginz
See wen yu put sumthing DED n’side sumthing that iz aly’v, it b’ginz tu
ATAC, ev’ree living organ n yor ba’dee, daspite hal it tayst. And itz dun n a
SLO pra’ses, meening it can tayk yeerz b’for it kilz yu, but along tha way yu
WILL b’gin tu x’speer’ree’ense , FEEL tha brayk daln uv yor badee.
Ev’reetheeng yu drink atacz tha n’side uv yor ba’dee, b’cuz it haz theengz
added tu it, even if it sez, hel’thee, nuz flash, ITZ NA”T.
Dreenk water frum the fauset, yu DID wen yu waz a child. Dreenk carrot
juse, almund or soy milk, oranj’ juse,
Also du understand. Chidren ar born with a da’zeez, b’cuz uv tha parentz
diet or drugz, dreenking or smoking, it du NA’T run n tha famlee. itz NA’T
n tha dna, itz NA’T ha’reda’tair’ree. Tha on’lee ree’zun uther fama’leez
dy’d frum it iz b’cuz they ayt tha SAYM thinzg, or if they wer n
ra’misih’shun , and n so men-nee yeerz tha da’zeez caym bac and they dy’d
frum it, iz b’cuz they cuntin’yud tu cunsoom, anamol praducz and eet
pra’ses’d sugar.
Even if tha 1 or both parentz never get sic, ITZ N THEIR BLUD, and tha
child WILL GIT IT, and suffer.
Heerz a NU way tu eet. that
WILL PRAZERV YOR N’TIYER BA”DEE. Wee no it will b’cuz wee
hav m’pla’mented it n’tu ar lyv’z.
For yu meet eeterz hoo GA’T tu hav ,,,,,,, tu eet tha anmolz flesh, purches a
pak uv vegan plant bayse’d meet, it tayst JUS like , a RILL hamburger,
polish, ha’t daug, chicken or beef peesez.
Pleez no, wee git ar pro’teen NA’T frum meet, but frum green veja’tabolz.
DED flesh, skin, mus’solz can and du NA’T give n-neewun pro’teen.
Wee eer at YHOPFAP ar veeganz and hav bin sinse 2014, and wee hav
mayn’tayn’d ar wayt tha saym az wen wee wer eeteeng meet.
Altho this epidemic haz occurd;
NO PLEG HAZ CUM NEER OUR TENT, az father yhoah ehyeh telz us
n thelym 91, and itz bin men-nee yeerz sinse wee even had a cold let alo’n
en-nee uther typ uv sicnes.
Wee menchund n tha b’gin’neeng uv this teech’eeng abalt tha green leevz ar
for hilling uv tha badee. If yu eet erbz week’lee or day’lee n playse uv drugz,
yu will see that yor ba’dee will produs’e tha razultz uv hilling n yor ba’dee.
Et la shnot amey: time tu chaynj peepol.
If yu want tu make it tu 120 yeerz old az wee ar pramis’d, itz tym tu chaynj,
NAL peepol.
Yhoah Eheyeh Torah n pdf format. until printed n book format.Vizit:
Reed YHOAH EHYEH TORAH ev’ree day, it WILL CHANYJ yor life.
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